“The Life of the Artwork,” a documentary film about the fascinating life of an artwork from cradle to grave, seen from the perspective of Christian Scheidemann. 2018, 52', English, German. Directed by Marion Kollbach.
Artworld Magazine, interview with Christian Scheidemann.
July, 2017
Nina Quabeck, "Feldforschung einer Restauratorin: Hinter den Kulissen der Contemporary Conservation Ltd.,"
#32, 2017.
Nina Roberts. "Elephant dung, chewing gum and human hair: the life of a contemporary art restorer"
The Guardian, May 23, 2015
"From Fruit To Frozen Blood-- 7 issues in the Conservation of Contemporary Art"
Christie's: The Art People, May 25, 2015
Sebastian Schneider. “Der Kunst Doktor.”
Dein Spiegel. August 8, 2013: 48-50.
Tracy Zwick. “Sotheby’s wins in Dispute with Jancou Gallery Over Cady Noland Artwork.”
Art in America. June 27, 2013.
Jörg Häntzschel.“Eine alte Kartoffel für Matthew Barney, bitte aus Idaho.”
Süddeutsche Zeitung 86. April 14, 2013: 16.
Laura Gilbert. “To Salvage and Sell?”
The Art Newspaper. April 4, 2013. Web Only.
Andrew Romano. “Fine Art Fixer Uses Elephant Dung to Avert Catastrophe.”
Bloomberg News. March 14, 2013
Nicola Scevola. “Interview: Come Funziona L’Ospedale Per Opere D’Arte Più Richiesto Di NY.”
Vogue L’Uomo 421. May/June 2011: 60.
“Gift und Kunst”
Monopol Magazine, Berlin, Germany
Lisa Zeitz, Poträt, "Der Kunstflüsterer"
Frankfurter Allgemeine. April 16, 2007
Luke Quinton. "The so-called 'Art Doctor' rescues art made of odd materials"
Austin360. October 6, 2010.
“The Art Doctor” by Rebecca Mead
The New Yorker, May 11, 2009
republished in German translation as “Ein guter Doktor für kränkelnde Kunst,” Architectural Digest, Germany, July/August 2009
Lisa Zeitz. “Der Kunstflüsterer.”
Frankfurter Allgemeine. April 16, 2007.
“But is it art if it decomposes?”
The Shuttle Sheet. January 2007.
"City Life in the Second Gilded Age"
New York Times Magazine, October 14, 2007 pg. 77
Christopher Mason. “Ephemeral Art, Eternal Maintenance.”
The New York Times. November 10, 2005.
Gregory Williams. “Conserving Latex and Liverwurst: An Interview with Christian Scheidemann.”
Cabinet Magazine 2. Spring 2001.
Simone Kosog. “Oh Gott, Ein Sprung im Elefantendung!”
Süddeutsche-Zeitung. August 18, 2000: 31- 34.
Jahn Wolf. “Im Kampf gegen den Zahn der Zeit.”
Hamburger Abendblatt. February 1, 2000: 7.
Christian Tröster. “Wenn Mäuse an der Kunst nagen.”
Die Woche. February 13, 1998.
Peter Sager. “Der Herr der Speisereste.”
Die Zeit 44. November 28, 1997: 62.