Christian Scheidemann
Senior Conservator, President
Christian received his training in the conservation of medieval paintings and polychromed sculptures, as well as in art history, in Bonn, Germany. After further studies in conservation labs in museums (Pinakothek Munich, Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Hamburger Kunsthalle), he opened his own practice in Hamburg in 1983. Since then, Christian has worked with some of the most important collections in Europe and the US, and specializes in the conservation of works from artists who have been charging non-traditional materials such as petroleum jelly, elephant dung, chewing gum, soap or chocolate with iconographic significance. Christian has lectured and published extensively on the conservation and on the meaning of material and process in contemporary art.
In 2015, Christian and his team organized ‘The First Crack’, a symposium on the conservation and value in contemporary art. In 2018, Christian and his team organized a second symposium ‘Body of Work: Contemporary Artists’ Estates and Conservation,’ as a platform to explore the relationship between contemporary artists’ estates and conservation, and the collective task of maintaining artistic legacy.